Thursday, December 15, 2022

Final Post

Final Post - My Relationship with Technology

Technology is something that I have always been fascinated with. From a young age, my father introduced me to computers, video games, virtual reality, surround sound television technology, Bluetooth, and so much more. His interest in computers and similar technologies started when he was an adolescent, as he didn't have access to many of the new advancements. However, he took advantage of each new video game system, television set, or computer, and used them as tools to spark curiosity and educate himself on the world of technology. 

Growing up, I had access to computers, television, DVR systems, video games, and streaming platforms of all kinds. Watching the latest episode of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" was a weekly family event that I always looked forward to with great anticipation and joy. 

As I got older, I was introduced to a new form of technology through my school system. My district, although small and underfunded, decided that equipping its students with iPads would open up a whole new world of learning and opportunities. Because of this, I got to learn about search-engine blocking sites, mobile games, apps, and so much more. As a kid, I thought that iPads were the most advanced and futuristic technology I was ever going to use. Of course, when I got my first phone, I quickly moved on to appreciate the power of Apple's smaller device: the iPhone

My first phone was my Mom's old iPhone 4. I received this as a gift on my 14th birthday, as a way to keep in contact with my parents when at afterschool events or friends' houses. Many of my friends already had phones, as well, however, it was not as widespread or as commonplace for youth to have phones, let alone iPhones, as it is with today's younger generation. 

When I was a bit older, a freshman in high school, I was gifted my first smartphone, an early version of Google's Moto devices called the "Moto G". I quickly fell in love with the touchscreen capabilities, updated camera features, app/home screen organization, and the integration of Google's tools in its design. 

Later on, in high school, I upgraded to an iPhone once my Moto phone stopped working. This transition also ended up introducing me to the world of social media. My relationship with social media is similar to that of many women of my generation. I found it fun and fascinating when I first started using it, and I loved the idea that I could be artistic and expressive and learn more about the creative sides of my friends.

In addition, I was able to connect with and keep in contact with people my age that I didn't see in school or even in the same state. 

Social media, however, eventually turned into a growing obsession and a harmful tool in the already rocky world of teen socialization. Apps, programs, and anonymous questions led to increasingly negative and stereotypical messages being thrown at me and those I followed. I did my best to generally abstain from overuse of these sites and applications, but the fear of missing out on social media posts, pop culture references, and the latest trends kept me locked in throughout my pre-college experience. 

Thankfully, once I arrived at college, the small-town pressures to fit in with the people I had grown up with and been educated alongside were slowly fading. In less than a few minutes, I deleted my major social media apps from my phone and said goodbye to endless scrolling on Instagram and Snapchat. Soon, I would discover TikTok, but I utilized screen-time-limiting features to keep the endless scrolling at bay. 

Apart from my use of my phone and social media, computers occupy the majority of my time spent using technology. My computer is an absolute necessity for my schoolwork, my communication with peers and professors, and even my future career. Without this device, I would not be able to complete and submit assignments, check due dates, dive deep into scholarly research, explore career paths in communication around the world, etc. 

This ties into what composes my digital footprint. My digital footprint can be seen at a glance with a simple Google search of my full name. What appears is my Pinterest account, my LinkedIn, my YouTube account, a couple of photos of me, articles from my dance career, and information on scholarships I have applied for or received. This information is thankfully not as embarrassing or detrimental to my image as most people's are. However, I am careful with how I spend my time online and I work diligently to keep my privacy. 

Overall, my relationship with technology has, in part, shaped who I am and where I am today. From my introductions to it through my family and my schooling, to my individual interest in it as I grew older, I have been heavily influenced by the internet, social media, smart products, communication tools, educational sites, and online entertainment. 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Blog #8 - Privacy

Privacy: Online and Offline

In today's modern world, technology is all around us. This is, in many ways, a beneficial and useful tool that allows information and communication to be available everywhere at all times. However, there are disadvantages to this always-accessible network. One such disadvantage is privacy. Living in a world that relies so heavily upon the use of technology means that relatively nothing is private or personal in terms of online presence and cybersecurity. 

These problems are now becoming more obvious and increasingly talked about among scholars, politicians, the tech industry, major companies, and the general population, overall. 

From confidential information sent through email, to social security numbers inputted on government websites, hacking can take personal information of every kind. Worse yet, hackers aren't just secret criminals typing away in dark rooms. Large and publically renowned tech companies invade your privacy just as much and probably more than the criminal masterminds of the tech world. 

According to market research, corporate advertising and marketing have a difficult relationship with online privacy. In a Ted Talk by Finn Myrstad, he describes the precise details of how tech companies deceive you into giving up any online private data you thought you owned. Andy Yen went into this more specifically in relation to email data collection and internet communication privacy (or the lack thereof). 

From Facebook's infamous invasions of privacy that were leaked to the world, to the unknown data-mining and user surveillance that occur daily, our world's reliance on technology has prompted a breach of privacy like never before. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Blog #11 - EOTO Review #2

EOTO #2 Peer Review

During the EOTO Presentations given today, I learned a lot about government surveillance and an alliance between five countries that was created to spy on people around the world. The Five Eyes Alliance is comprised of the US, Uk, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. These five countries decided to collaborate after the second world war. 

Through the creation of the Five Eyes Alliance, all information was made public and shared between each country's government. Every piece of information on each citizen of multiple countries was gathered and then distributed for analysis to these five allied countries. 

The Five Eyes created Echelon as a program to control and oversee its surveillance and data distribution. Echelon was a code name for the surveillance company that was not initially public knowledge. The goal of this program was to monitor individual, military, and government communications in specific countries and areas around the globe. 

Echelon was and is capable of intercepting communication via satellites, phone calls, emails, etc. The Five eyes Alliance violates both the fourth and fifth amendments in the US. This affects trust in the US Government and the protection it claims to provide. 

Edward Snowden is a prime example of a "leak" within the Government that publically described the activities and goals of Echelon and the Five Eyes. This leak helped to shed light on how the government operates and surveys its citizens and their activity online. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Blog #7 - Diffusion Theory

Diffusion Theory - Innovation

Every innovation in technology or otherwise goes through a series of changes and is constantly developing. While a few select individuals or groups are often credited with the invention of modern technologies, there are many uncredited innovators with work that allowed these inventions to become what they are today. 

The Diffusion Theory is a concept used to explain the different stages of development of different innovations and ideas. This theory, created by Everett Rogers, suggested that new ideas were diffused within various channels and methods of communication. 

One aspect of the diffusion process was called "adopters". According to the Diffusion Theory, the time it took each individual to adopt a new idea depended on their own personal openness to innovation overall. 

One example of innovation that can be analyzed using the diffusion theory is the iPhone. Before the iPhone, smartphones were still being developed in different ways by tech companies across the globe. Apple had released its iPod which revolutionized the way in which music was both marketed and consumed. 

As cellular technology advanced, so did the capabilities of regular mobile phones. However, it was the addition of touch screen compatibility and added features from iPod that set iPhone apart. After the launch of the iPhone, users became infatuated with the ease and accessibility that it provided to communication, music, and the Internet. Orginal purchasers, or "early adopters" were the middle-upper class in society that had interest in new technology. 

Now, years later, iPhones can be found anywhere and everywhere on the globe, in the hands of members of each socioeconmic class. This revolutionary technology now includes social media, gaming, entertainment, communications, Internet access, cameras, and so much more. I personally own an iPhone, which is almost a necessity as a college student in 2022. 

The benefits of owning my iPhone (or a smartphone of any relevance) outweigh the negatives for my lifestyle. Living in a different part of the country than my parents and extended family, using iMessage, FaceTime, and long-distance calling are important to me. In addition, social media and communications tools allow me to share information with my classmates, professors, and potential employers. The mobility of the device creates a constant state of connectedness with those I work for and with.

However, the negatives of owning such a powerful device are not exactly small. From having zero privacy to being unable to disconnect fully from the fast-paced world around me, iPhones have many unfortunate downsides. In addition, being reliant on a device that is not prone to glitching and failing is a risk that must be considered each and every time I use it. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Blog #6 - Peer Review EOTO Topic - Telephones

 Telephones - EOTO Presentation Reflection

While listening to my peers discuss various forms of media, I found the presentation on the history and development of telephones to be most interesting. I use my iPhone every single day, but I never really take the time to think about how telephones came to be. Now I use my phone for communication, entertainment, schoolwork, my career, keeping in touch with family, and so much more. However, telephones were originally invented purely for direct communication.

Telephones were invented with the idea of creating "talking telegraphs". Telegraphs were used to send important messages across different areas of the country. Telephones were different from telegraphs in many ways, even though their uses were similar. Telegraphs took weeks, and telephones were able to relay messages instantaneously.

Antonio Meucci and Alexander Graham Bell both pioneered the invention of the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell is often acknowledged as the sole inventor of the telephone, but without the influence and ingenuity of Meucci, modern telephones would not exist as we know them today.

Overall, telephones have revolutionized communications technology across the globe. From the invention of the first "talking telegraph" to the smartphones of today, the development of telephones is truly a marvel of invention.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Blog #5 - Anti-War - Role of Dissent

 Anti-War and the Role of Dissent

The role of dissent and the First Amendment in politics and war is quite prominent. Under the First Amendment, each and every American has the right to voice their opinions on political practices and on the government's actions. However, this is not always granted equally in privately owned domains like social media sites. Even Google, which is meant to be a place for all information and viewpoints to coexist, has become increasingly and obviously geared toward certain opinions. 

This all ties into government censoring and specifics of First Amendment protection in the media and in political movements. There are many opinions about all government actions, but certain voices seem to get buried under those that either the government, Google, or other popular media outlets acknowledge/support.

The website, for example, focuses on the views of antiwar supporters that are not typically shown by the media. This could be due to a couple of reasons. First, the government wants to keep its favored policies and actions in the spotlight of the media. War is a very emotionally-charged topic that has perhaps a greater chance of inciting violence or protest. To keep relative peace between political parties, voters, and general citizens of the US, the government might try its best to put sources like the antiwar page tucked neatly under the radar within media consumption.

Similar views appear on sites like The American Conservative. It is not easy to find such direct and strong voices for these viewpoints, which again points to the censorship done by the media in conjunction with the government. Media outlets and search engines want to show what is best for their reputation and what will produce the most revenue. To do this, they project an image of whatever views are favored and suppress those that are in contrast.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Blog Post #4 - EOTO - Newspapers

EOTO: The History and Impact of Newspapers

The history of newspapers and their development in our society has changed drastically since the time of their first use. Newspapers are an incredibly important form of communication, and their impact within the United States of America is particularly intriguing. 

The very first newspaper in the world was created in the year 1605 in Strasbourg. Now, defining this as a newspaper is not exactly the same as we see newspapers today. Strasbourg had a periodically published and distributed record of local events and information that was distributed on paper. The first newspapers to be widely recognized by historians were called "newsletters" because they were distributed in the form of letters to the public. These early letters contained information and general happenings from town courts to local shops. Newsletters were designed to spread information and gossip from all areas of one town, or multiple towns within a certain radius. These primitive newspapers eventually became circulated in greater volume and within larger areas as young men moved to larger cities to start their careers and brought back local newsletters to share with their families in rural communities. This was very common in populated areas of England and Scotland and newspapers were distributed as early as 1588 with irregular schedules. 

In America, the first recorded newspaper was the
"Boston News-Letter". However, many historians concur other newspapers existed prior to the Boston News-Letter but were shut down by the British government after their first issues were published. The village post office was known by residents to be a place for gossip and the exchanging of new information. Because of this, it was only natural for a newspaper to start there. The newsletter was providing the same function that the town discussions did, just in a more organized manner. 

In today's media, newspapers take on many new and different forms. Towns and communities no longer have one possible source of news made by a singular journalist or group of journalists. Now, large corporations, non-profits, government agencies, community blogs, and personal social media influencers all compete with journalists and newspapers in the distribution of current events and information. This concept is further described by the author David Ryfe in his research article titled "The Ontology of Journalism". Ryfe claims that journalism is no longer meant to simply inform. He argues that journalism and most other forms of relaying information tend to focus on both explaining and interpreting the information for their audience. 

Overall, the invention of newspapers changed the way we communicate in many ways. First, it allowed local events to be known in greater areas. Newspapers gave people the opportunity to learn more about their community, their country, and the world. Second, newspapers gave individuals the right to information without government interference. Published news became a source of information that did not have to be approved by the government first. In addition, whether the news is subjective or not, it is a way for people to decide how they feel and how they will respond to new information and recent major events. In the end, I think that the invention of newspapers benefitted our society's ability to communicate with each other about things that are happening in our world today. 

Final Post

Final Post - My Relationship with Technology Technology is something that I have always been fascinated with. From a young age, my father in...