Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Blog #6 - Peer Review EOTO Topic - Telephones

 Telephones - EOTO Presentation Reflection

While listening to my peers discuss various forms of media, I found the presentation on the history and development of telephones to be most interesting. I use my iPhone every single day, but I never really take the time to think about how telephones came to be. Now I use my phone for communication, entertainment, schoolwork, my career, keeping in touch with family, and so much more. However, telephones were originally invented purely for direct communication.

Telephones were invented with the idea of creating "talking telegraphs". Telegraphs were used to send important messages across different areas of the country. Telephones were different from telegraphs in many ways, even though their uses were similar. Telegraphs took weeks, and telephones were able to relay messages instantaneously.

Antonio Meucci and Alexander Graham Bell both pioneered the invention of the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell is often acknowledged as the sole inventor of the telephone, but without the influence and ingenuity of Meucci, modern telephones would not exist as we know them today.

Overall, telephones have revolutionized communications technology across the globe. From the invention of the first "talking telegraph" to the smartphones of today, the development of telephones is truly a marvel of invention.

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